Embention: Innovation leader at the 1st Successful Entrepreneurs Conference by Jovempa

February 22, 2024

Embention: Innovation leader at the 1st Successful Entrepreneurs Conference by Jovempa

February 22, 2024
| News

Thoughts on the future of drones

Last Friday, we had the privilege of attending the 1st Successful Entrepreneurs Conference organised by Jovempa, where our CEO, David Benavente, shared his vision and experience on the future of drones and technological innovation.

Embention was honoured to be part of this event. During his speech, David Benavente highlighted the importance of innovation and adaptability in today’s market, especially in the drone sector.

For us, the possibility of filling the skies with drones in the next five to ten years is not a distant vision, but an achievable goal. With over 70 countries in our distribution network and a team of nearly 100 people dedicated to research and development of new technologies, we are fully committed to leading this revolution in transport and logistics.

Investment and development: Keys to success

Speaking at the conference, David Benavente also emphasised the fundamental role that investment in innovation and development plays in Embention’s growth. Thanks to our recent IPO and the strategic investments we have received, we have been able to expand our operations and strengthen our position as a leader in the drone sector.

As well as sharing our vision for the future, David Benavente also addressed some of the challenges we have faced along the way. From the need to pivot to new ideas to the importance of maintaining a dedicated and motivated team, his experience provided valuable lessons for the entrepreneurs and business leaders in attendance.

In conclusion, the 1st Successful Entrepreneurs Conference by Jovempa was a unique opportunity to share our experiences and make new connections in the business world. At Embention, we are grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this inspiring event and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

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